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Clem, Teen Mom - Season 10

Clem - Saison 10

SERIES 6 x 52' In a series totalizing 57 episodes
Comedy drama



Directed by



Lucie Lucas
Joséphine Berry
Carole Richert (Clem, Teen Mom)
Jean Dell
Thomas Chomel
Elona Solomon
Yann Sundberg (Elite Squad, Lost Signs),
Maeva Pasquali (Infidèles, Poliss)
Guillaume Faure
Cristiana Reali (Love Me No More)
Juliette Arnaud
Gabriel Gros


Merlin Productions, AT-Productions and TF1

2020 / Original language: French / Color

Clem finally has a streak of good luck. She finds a new job doing inventory in a local factory and begins a new romance with Fred, not knowing that he was involved in her mother's death. Valentin is having doubts about his relationship with Izia. Is she really the one for his first time? Meanwhile, Adrian is delighted to spend time with his son again, but without a job the bills pile up fast.Everyone is making progress... then suddenly, someone near and dear to Clem is struck down with a life-threatening illness.


Episode 52: Here I Am
Clem finally has a streak of good luck. She finds a new job doing inventory in a local factory and begins a new romance with Fred, not knowing that he was involved in her mother's death.
Valentin is having doubts about his relationship with Izia. Is she really the one for his first time?
Meanwhile, Adrian is delighted to spend time with his son again, but without a job the bills pile up fast.
Everyone is making progress... then suddenly, someone near and dear to Clem is struck down with a life-threatening illness.

Episode 53: My Love
Clem has an emergency to deal with: her daughter is a victim of heavy metal poisoning. Time is of the essence. She's got to find out what caused the illness, and fast.
Val, just as strong willed as his mother, takes an interest in ecology and gets a crush on a young activist named Clara. Izia is having a hard time fitting in at Marie-France and Michel's. Soon Victoire is the only one left she can count on to support her. Will the young couple survive their first real relationship crisis?
Adrian, who for the time being has taken a job teaching salsa dancing, gets an indecent proposition. Hard to say no when you're broke and have a child to raise.
Troubling times for Clem, who keeps fighting and knows she can count on Fred. But does she really know him for who he is?

Episode 54: I Won't Give Up
While she continues investigating the poisoning, Clem happily dreams about a new life with Fred. But little by little, the lies start to tighten on them like a noose.
Meanwhile, as Val gets more and more involved in ecology with Clara, he neglects his friendship with Joris and his relationship with Izia.
The drama of Emma's poisoning brings the whole clan together. Even Adrian, who begins a career as an escort to resolve his financial problems. The Brimonts pull together too, even though it's getting harder and harder to deal with "force 2" adolescence issues.

Episode 55: Keep Fighting
Adrian has been spoiling his son and goes a bit too far. It's impossible for him to talk about it with his family. Luckily, someone new shows up who just may be able to bring him to his senses.
Val has really grown up. He experiences his very first time making love - with Clara. Clem is on her own now and everything seems to be going wrong, but she has to keep on fighting. She gets fired from the factory and Fred leaves her without warning. Her daughter is stigmatized and rejected at school. But Clem is still as tough as she ever was. She decides to confront those responsible for the poisoning and finds an unexpected ally.

Episode 56: For the Truth
Those responsible for Emma's poisoning continue to deny it and even start making threats. But Clem can't give up now. If she doesn't obtain the list of toxic components within a few days, Emma will lose her kidneys.
Just when everything seems lost, Clem's former co-workers back her up and help wield a new attack on the guilty party. Will the pressure make them do the right thing?
Right in the middle of it all, Clem finally learns the truth about the accident that deprived her of her mother.

Episode 57: To Save You
Clem now knows what happened on the day of the accident. But will the truth allow her to save Fred?
Clem isn't the only one with a broken heart. Val is determined to confront Clara, even if it means he may lose her.
The struggle at the factory becomes more difficult than ever. Clem and her family get an extra boost of support, but will it be enough to save Emma in time?
Clem and Val both have to learn that when it comes to life's struggles, you can't win them all.

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