By Your Side

À Tes Côtés

TV MOVIE 1 x 90'
Comedy drama



Gilles Paquet-Brenner, Jarry with the collaboration of Simon Astier

Directed by

Gilles Paquet-Brenner (Payoff 1/ 2)


Didier Bourdon (City Hunter, Joint Custody,
Marie-Anne Chazel (Friends Forever, The Well Digger's Daughter)


Beaubourg Stories - Beaubourg Audiovisuel - Youpi And Co

2021 / Original language: Franche / Color / available in hd

The story of a father and son who live in polar opposite worlds and seem to be constantly at odds. But life brings city-dwelling Anthony back to the side of Marcel, his ailing wine-grower father. Can facing our fears and contradictions help us overcome our differences?
Filled with laughter and tears, with feuding and reconciliation, this heartfelt dramedy is an ode to family ties that reminds us... it's never too late to love!

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