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Scarlett or Nothing

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Comedy drama


Directed by

Fabrice Cazeneuve


Eléonore Gosset
Julia Vaidis-Bogard
Louise Monot


Nelka Films

2003 / Original language: French / Color / Stereo

In the turbulent 60s, 3 teenage friends grow together and eventually grow apart. The death of one of them is a chance to reminisce. Juliette's funeral is the sad occasion that brings her lifelong friends Bénédicte and Martine together after years of falling out of touch. Now in their fifties, they return to Pithiviers, their home town, and fondly reminisce on the good and bad times. After the summer of 1968, one after another, the girls left Pithiviers for Paris, each determined to become "Scarlett or nothing".

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